
Volkswagen Foundation Brand

Volkswagen Foundation develops initiatives towards social and educational improvement, besides providing technical support for some of Volkswagen Brazil’s corporate social responsibility activities. It has already helped over 2 million students and educators thru its educational programs, while its Social Development projects already aided almost one million people in 4739 institutions all over the country.

Under a new positioning, created by Goldenberg, we teamed up to develop a new logo that reflected their belief on knowledge that moves people. The Volkswagen Foundation brand needed to communicate this and convey the trust its initiatives have in people and institutions that transform potential into reality and inspire to evolve. The goal was to visually depict a brand that represents this connection between the movement for change and the betterment and multiplication of knowledge and social improvement.

FundacaoVolkswagen RedesenhoMarca VideoManifesto Thumbnail
FundacaoVolkswagen RedesenhoMarca Manifesto EN
FundacaoVolkswagen RedesenhoMarca LogoComparativo

The new symbol was developed with a concise visual form, but similar to the old logo, making reference to a human figure with open arms, or a person with a book. The central element (the circle) uses the institutional color, making a direct association to Volkswagen, meanwhile the two colors in the base symbolize its two pillars: Education and Social Development.

FundacaoVolkswagen RedesenhoMarca LogoSubmarcas PT

Each of the “arms” in the symbol represent a pillar for the Volkswagen Foundation: Education in light blue and Community in yellow. Each program has its own brand that follows the hierarchy of each area.

FundacaoVolkswagen RedesenhoMarca Pecas
FundacaoVolkswagen RedesenhoMarca Digital
FundacaoVolkswagen RedesenhoMarca Prancha
FundacaoVolkswagen RedesenhoMarca Folder
FundacaoVolkswagen RedesenhoMarca Identidade
“Our challenge was diverse, we needed to consolidate a unifying position, connecting the Foundation’s work to VW’s business. We translated that with the tagline “Knowledge that moves people”, and Megalo’s solution was perfect. We managed to incorporate new and innovative features to the previous logo and established colors for both integrated areas.”

Margareth Goldenberg, Goldenberg Consultancy in Corporate Social Responsibility Communication





FundacaoVolkswagen RedesenhoMarca Carro
FundacaoVolkswagen RedesenhoMarca ManualLinguagem


  • Strategy Director:

    Samuel Oliveira, Rodrigo Deligi

  • Account Manager:

    Carla Rigoldi

  • Design:

    Paula Fioretti, Samuel Oliveira

  • Motion/Video/Manifesto:

    Lucas de Felipe